Pääosin työlinjaisten bordercollieiden kasvatusta, tavoitteena täysipäinen ja terve harrastus-, kisa- ja työkoira.
Performance Border Collie (FCI) breeding, aiming for a good-natured and healthy performance, competition, and working dog.
Finnish dog sports and titles
Tämä sivu on vain englanniksi, tarkoituksena kertoa lyhyesti mitä mikäkin kisataso ja titteli koiralla tarkoittaa.
This page is only in English. The purpose is to define what different sports classes and titles mean, as Finnish titles can be confusing. All titles are highlighted in muted yellow.
- Maksi-1 / Pikkumaksi-1
- Large / Small-large class-1 (A1, AG1)
- competing in the first class, three clear runs needed before the second class
- Maksi-2 / Pikkumaksi-2
- Large / Small-large class-2 (A2, AG2)
- competing in the second class, three clear runs needed before the third class
- Maksi-3 / Pikkumaksi-3
- Large / Small-large class-3 (A3, AG3)
- competing in the third class
- AGI-A = agility course
- AGI-H = jumping course
- AGI-S = snookers course
- AGI-G = gamblers course
- AVA, Agilityvalio = Agility Champion
- three clear runs (SERT) from the agility-3 class and at least G from a dog show.
- AVA-H, Hyppyvalio = Jumping Champion
- three clear runs (SERT) from the jumping class-3 (contactless) and at least G from a dog show.
Obedience = toko = tottelevaisuuskoulutus
- ALO, alokas
- 0b0, beginner, national novice, class-1
- ALO1 = exc, ALO2 = vg, ALO3 = g, ALO0 = fair, ALO- =disc
- 1 exc is needed before the open class.
- AVO, avoin
- Ob1, open, class-2
- AVO1 = exc, AVO2 = vg, AVO3 = g, AVO0 = fair, AVO- =disc
- 1 exc is needed before the winner class.
- VOI, voittaja
- Ob2, winner, class-3
- VOI1 = exc, VOI2 = vg, VOI3 = g, VOI0 = fair, VOI- =disc
- 1 exc is needed before the elite class.
- EVL, erikoisvoittaja
- Ob3, elite, class-4
- EVL1 = exc, EVL2 = vg, EVL3 = g, EVL0 = fair, EVL- =disc
- TK1 = Obedience-1, three excellent from the novice class.
- TK2 = Obedience-2, three excellent from the open class.
- TK3 = Obedience-3, three excellent from the winner class.
- TK4 = Obedience-4, three excellent from the elite class
- FI TVA, Tottelevaisuusvalio / tokovalio = Obedience Champion
- three exc from the winner class and at least G from a dog show
- FI ETVA, Erikoistottelevaisuusvalio /eliittivalio = Elite Obedience Champion
- three exc from the elite class and at least G from a dog show
Rally-obedience = rallytoko
- ALO, alokas
- beginner, novice, class-1
- ALOHYV = 70 p. or more
- 1 KM needed for the open class
- AVO, avoin
- open, class-2
- AVOHYV = 70 p. or more
- 3x AVOHYV needed for the winner class
- VOI, voittaja
- winner, class-3
- VOIHYV = 70 p. or more
- 3x VOIHYV needed for the elite class
- MES, mestari
- elite, class-4
- MESHYV = 70 p. or more
- RTK1 = Rally-Obedience-1, three over 70 p. from the novice class.
- RTK2 = Rally-Obedience-2, three over 70 p. from the open class.
- RTK3 = Rally-Obedience-3, three over 70 p. from the winner class.
- RTK4 = Rally-Obedience-4, three over 70 p. from the elite class
- FI RTVA, Rally-tokovalio = Rally-Obedience Champion
- three 95 p. from the elite class and at least G from a dog show
Dog dancing, FS & HTM = koiratanssi
- ALO, alokas
- beginner, novice, class-1
- KM = 70% of points or more
- 1 KM needed for the open class
- AVO, avoin
- open, class-2
- KM = 70% of points or more
- 1 KM needed for the winner class
- VOI, voittaja
- winner, class-3
- SERT = 70% of points or more
- FS1 = Freestyle-1, three KM from the novice class.
- FS2 = Freestyle-2, three KM from the open class.
- FS3 = Freestyle-3, three SERT from the winner class.
- FI KTV-FS, Koiratanssivalio-FS = FS Champion
- FS3 and at least G from a dog show
- HTM1 = Heelwork-to-music-1, three KM from the novice.
- HTM2 = Heelwork-to-music-2, three KM from the open.
- HTM3 = Heelwork-to-music-3, three SERT from the winner.
- FI KTV-HTM, Koiratanssivalio-HTM = HTM Champion
- HTM3 and at least G from a dog show
Search and rescue = pelastuskoirakokeet = PEKO
Finnish SAR dog trials and exams are a horrible mess. We have three different types of SAR, but luckily they don’t differ a lot from each other.
To get the dog approved as an official SAR dog, it needs to pass an official inspection test (VIRTA), and to get permission for the test, a dog needs either accepted PEKO-T, or HP and JL, or HL and JP.
To stay as an official SAR dog and be permitted to join rescue situations, a dog needs to pass PEKO-T yearly, if it’s competing in IPO-R or national trials. If a dog competes In RDA, it needs to pass one HTT or JTT yearly, either pä or pi, and also either HP or JP. So if a dog passes JTTpä, it also needs HP. The next year the dog needs to pass JTTpi and HP.
Trials are international, but our champion titles are the following:
- 3x RH-FL B excellent
- 3x RH-F B excellent
- 3x RH-T B excellent
FI KC National
There is just one exam, which needs to be passed three times to become a champion. The exam contains either easier tracking and harder area-searching, or harder tracking and easier area-searching.
- 3x PEKO-T
Rescue Dog Association
Finnish Rescue Dog Association gives unofficial titles, not recognized by FCI or FI KC. Their area-searching differs a bit from PEKO, as it’s mainly patroling.
- Area
- HP = haku perus, basic test
- HL = haku loppu, advanced test
- HTTpä = HL skill test, daytime. Needs to be passed every other year
- HTTpi = HL skill test, night time. Needs to be passed every other year
- Tracking
- JP = jälki perus, basic test
- JL = jälki loppu, advanced test
- JTTpä = HL skill test, daytime. Needs to be passed every other year
- JTTpi = HL skill test, night time. Needs to be passed every other year
- Rubbles
- RS = raunio sove, suitability test
- RP = raunio perus, basic test
- RL = raunio loppu, advanced test
- RTT = RL skill test Needs to be passed every other year
Working dog trials (wdt) = palveluskoiralajit = pk-lajit
We have four ”main” forest working dog trials, each with three classes, containing three different sections. These trials, classes, and sections are presented below.
- HK, haku = searching for lost people from the forest, similar to SAR RH-FL
- JK, jälki = tracking in forest, similar to SAR RH-F
- VK, viesti = message, a dog runs between two handlers in a forest
- EK, etsintä = multi-searching; searching lost people from the forest, tracking, tiny item searching, and a long-distance item retrieving
- ALO, alokas, 1 = novice, class-1
- AVO, avoin, 2 = open, class-2
- VOI, voittaja, 3 = winner, class-3
- tottis, section 1 = working dog trial obedience
- tottis A: IGP rules
- tottis B: IBGH rules
- metsä, section 2 = one of the main four; HK, JK, VK, EK
- esine-etsintä, section 3 = seaching lost items in forest, 50m x 50m. Somewhat similar to the FCI Article Indication Trial (StPr)
We can decide if we want to do A or B tottis. If a dog gets a title from A tottis class, it can compete in A or B tottis in its next trial. But if a dog gets a title from B tottis class, it can compete only in B tottis in its next trial. Therefore A tottis is considered more valuable than B tottis.
JK1 with A tottis -> promotion to AVO-class, a dog can compete for JK2 title in both A tottis and B tottis trials.
JK1 with B tottis -> promotion to AVO-class, a dog can compete for JK2 title only in B tottis trials.
- HK1 = searching novice, 1st – 3rd prize from novice class (100m x 100m, 10 min, 3 lost persons, 1 full-covered)
- HK2 = searching open, 1st – 3rd prize from open class (100m x 200m, 15 min, 3 lost persons, 1 full-covered)
- HK3 = searching winner, 1st – 3rd prize from winner class (100m x 300m, 20 min, 3 lost persons, 2 full-covered)
- JK1 = tracking novice, 1st – 3rd prize from novice class (500m, 20 min, 6 objects)
- JK2 = tracking open, 1st – 3rd prize from open class (1000m, 30 min, 6 objects)
- JK3 = tracking winner, 1st – 3rd prize from winner class (1500m, 40 min, 6 objects)
- VK1 = message novice, 1st – 3rd prize from novice class (2000m running, 300m tracking, 2 trips)
- VK2 = message open, 1st – 3rd prize from open class (3300m running, 300m tracking, 3 trips)
- VK3 = message winner, 1st – 3rd prize from winner class (6600m running, 800m tracking, 5 trips)
- EK1 = multi-searching novice, 1st – 3rd prize from novice class
- EK2 = multi-searching open, 1st – 3rd prize from open class
- EK3 = multi-searching winner, 1st – 3rd prize from winner class
- three 1st prizes / wxcellent from the winner class, and at least G from a dog show
- KVA is an old Finnish title, now they are KVA-PKH, -PKJ, -PKV or -PKE.
- KVA-PKH = Area-searching Champion
- KVA-PKJ = Tracking Champion
- KVA-PKV = Message Champion
- KVA-PKE = Multi-searching Champion